Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Food Prep: Chicken Salsa and Rice

1kg Chicken breast
Chicken stock
1 jar of Salsa
Olive oil
2/3 cup Brown Rice

Boil chicken in pan with 2 cups of water and stock.
When cooked through, cut up chicken into small chunks and drain stock. Pour in olive oil and Salsa, simmer on lowest setting.
Cook rice separate from chicken then add to simmering mix.
Stir then serve up to suit macros.

Saturday, 28 December 2013

2012 v 2013 Body Composition

52.8kgs training crossfit and no carbs

56.6kgs training Powerlifting

3kg LBM Difference

Sunday, 1 December 2013

December Memoirs

1st December 2013
National GPC Push/Pull

2nd December 2013
Living in the aftermath of a comp that didn't go too well. I feel deflated but only too happy for people who hit new PR's and Records.
I can't change a bad competition but can only put it behind me and move forward.
All my injuries held together on comp day but today I felt soreness in the left chest/shoulder, disappeared after my run.

Went for a walk/run today. Sun was stinging hot at 17:30pm.
2.50kms at 9.11km/hr average.

Back to tracking every macro vs activity. Hard after a big weekend of big eating but I'd like to get my weight to 54kgs.
I will wait for my bloat to go before registering a new body weight.

3rd December 2013
I had my last shoulder/chest physio session today. Kylieann checked my upper body mobility and pain tolerance and it's almost back to normal.
I raised concerns about hip/lower back mobility and after checking flexion in a few directions, somehow my right side has almost lost all flexibility.  I couldnt raise my right leg past 90º.
I have no idea how one side seizes up. After about 1/2hr work my remaining problem was in the adductors and getting the knees to open out. I have prescribed stretches and will go back in a week.
Hammies, glutes, adductors - you are my nemesis!

5th December 2013
December is such a shitty month for any sort of consistent training. Christmas is at my place this year and I need to start the arduous task of dismantling the Muscle Motion Power rack and moving everything back inside (at least it's air conditioned now!) I much prefer training outside but Im getting a layer of clear put down on my slab under the pergola so it looks pretty for Christmas Day!

Going to continue with Conjugate Method.
Working on 1rm's of
Squat: 105kg
Bench: 57.5kg
Deadlift: 133kg

Eating alot at the moment.
Going on holidays.
Going to make mobility a priority.

19th December 2013
I haven't been lifting too much this month but have been keeping up the cardio sessions. Eating at maintenance calories. December is just too hectic!

Had a deload session today.
3 x 8 @ 50% of main lifts.

Saturday, 30 November 2013

GPC National Push/Pull 2013

Weight Preparation
5 days out weight 57.9kgs
Waterloaded from Monday, 7 days out
Had a cold virus from 8 days out. Cleared by Thursday.
Cut carbs 2 days prior to weigh in. Fats and protein only. 
24hrs out: Fasting from food.
18hrs out: Fasting liquids
30 mins of activity in a garbage bag
Bed weight 56.7kgs

Morning of weigh in
Sauna/Steam Room sessions
10mins + 5mins + 3 mins + 3 mins
Result weight 56kgs on calibrated scale.
300g difference on my personal scale to calibrate. Mine shows you as weighing less.

Result of cutting: Very tired on comp day. 

Pre Competition
Weight 24hrs weigh in 56kgs
Weight Morning of comp 57.8kgs
Plan of attack for bench:
20kg x 10
30kg x 5
40kg x 3
45kg x 2
50kg opener
55kg second
If there is no grind, go for 60 otherwise 57.5.
Current record is 57.5
Plan of attack for Deadlift
40kg x 6
60kg x 4
80kg x 3
90kg x 2
100kg kg x 2
110kg x 1
120kg opener
127.5kg second
135kg for a third
No current record in this age class.
No fourth lifts. Save it for States.

Competition Results
(Click on lifts to see Video)
Felt strong on warm up. Lower back was very immobile and had to do alot of work to get my usual arch.
First attempt 50kg - Good lift
Second attempt 55kg - Good lift
Third attempt - 60kg - Fail
I got the 60kg off the chest but it got about 3 inches up the stopped. Left side failed first.
My lower back was aching after this. I was familiar with the equipment and the bench was lower than what I had trained with so I felt my set up was where it usually sat in training.
(Or dreadlift as I now call it)
Warm up never felt good. I stuck to my plan but my lower back was aching before I even started warming up. I foam rolled and stretched but nothing would ease it. In warm up I was actually going to lower my opener because 110kg's felt like a grind.
First attempt 120kgs - Good lift - Felt good
Second attempt  127.5kgs - No lift. The RHS of the bar swung forward
Third attempt 127.5kgs - No lift. I locked it out but what red lighted for a technicality
Normally I can pull 130kg's on a bad day with a virus and a heavy period. Today I'm putting it down to too much sauna yesterday and lack of focus on form.
Otherwise it was a great day. A small closenit crowd and new friends made. Felt good to compete today.
Moving forward:
- No more cutting! Water load and 18hr fast prior to weigh in. If I need anything more then I should prep better with weight loss.
- Read the GPC rule book
I'll probably add more when they come back to me!

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Testing Openers for Push/Pull

Saturday 23rd November 2013
Deadlifts Sumo
Warm up and stretch
20kg x 10
60kg x 6
80kg x 3
90kg x 2
100kg x 2
110kg x 1
120kg x 1 Easy!
125kg x 1
133kg x 1 PB!
Notes: Woke up feeling like shit. Worked in wet clothes at work after storms brought part of the roof down, then went and cleared out gutters in storming rain Friday so I think I caught something. Once I warmed up I felt OK. Lower back is tight, Physio will work on it Monday night. Chest pain all but gone, slacked off on stretches so going to set phone reminders!
I think the plan for Deadlift is 120 132.5 then hopefully 137.5 for a third. Would be nice to get a 300 pound deadlift, 140kg would be nice also which would be a 2.5bw deadlift.

Wednesday 27th November 2013
Bench Press Openers
20kg x 10, felt tight through lowerback so did some more foam rolling
20kg x 10
30kg x 5
37.5kg x 3
52.5kg x 1
60kg x 0
Im hoping to get a 60kg Bench, both fails today were hopefully due to feeling like crap and cutting. The 57.5kg felt good and strong. Will see what Sunday brings.....deflated :(

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Week 7 Conjugate Method

Friday 15th November 2013
Banded Sumo Deadlifts
Worked up to 120kg + Bands for a single then felt sharp pain in my lower back/glute. Foam rolled and used a cricket ball but couldn't relieve the pain. Called it there.
Saw a physio today about my next shoulders, chest and upper back. I need a lot of work done. See November memoirs for full story.

Sunday 17th November 2013
Pin Presses
20kg x 10
30kg x 5
40kg x 3
45kg x 2
50kg x 1
55kg x 1
60kg x 1 (Absolute Grinder!)

Mid Grip Bench Press
Kept them light for injury management
30kg x 10 paused
30kg x 15 TNG

Barbell Tricep Press
30kg x 10, 8, 8, 10

V Cable Row v Upright Rows
20kg x 15,15,12,15 s/s 5kg x 15,15

Straight Arm Pull Down
7.5kg x 15, 12, 15, 15

Rope Cable Curls
7.5kg x 12,12,15

Wednesday 20th November 2013
Banded Squats SSB
Bertha on light
20kg x 10
40kg x 5
50kg x 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2

Banded Deads
80kg x 1,1,1
85kg x 1,1,1

Lunges SSB
22kg x 10/10,10/10
24.5kg x 10/10

Need to get stronger on these, did them fairly strict
BW x 8, 8, 5 + 3 neg only

Wide Sumo Deads
60kg x 8, 10, 10

Abs Crunch & Twist
2 x 15

Thursday 21st November
Bench Press No Bands
20kg x 10
30kg x 3
35kg x 3, 3, 3, 3
30kg x 3
32.5kg x 3, 3, 3, 3
Alot of focus on set up form. Mobility issues through the lower body affecting set up.

Military Press
Went lighter for volume
25kg x 8, 8, 9

Incline Bench Press
30kg x 15,15

Cable Rows Straight short bar
22.5kg x 15, 10, 15

Seated V Cable Rows
20kg x 15, 15
22.5kg x 15, 15

Biceps w/ Ez curl bar
17.5kg x 12, 10, 12

50 Triceps
7.5kg OH Plate Press x 20
17.5kg Tricep BB Press x 20
10kg OH Plate Press x 10

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

November Diary

6th November 2013
Back eating carbs at the moment, strength is good. Body weight has gone up again to 60kgs from 59.2kgs on eating 1500 calories a day. I feel puffy so I know Im holding fluid.Going to ignore the scales until 10 days out then 2 days out from comp. If I'm 5% over 56kgs I'm not going to sacrifice strength and go nuts on the waterloss. I'm not going for gloss, just PB's at the Push/Pull. I'm making the decision now so I don't stress out and boil in a Sauna like I did at Nats 2012. I went down from 59kgs to 56kgs and no water loading.Added some cardio in, just power walking. It felt good to be back out on the pavement. 3.42km in 30mins. Not my quickest but hoping to do Max Effort Lower later so rested the legs and avoided running.
Fitbit Flex
I bought a Fitbit Flex today. I've wanted one for ages! There was only Black and Blue available so I went with black. Ive been tracking my daily steps with an app called Noom but its really just a fancy Pedometer, it also didn't tell me how much distance I covered and can't always have my phone with me. Will note my future experiences in it's own post but so far an interesting little gadget!
10th November 2013
Today I spent my time at PTC Sydney refereeing the novice competition. Was a great day and well run, good to see so much talent coming through. Coached a couple of lifters and made more friends. Had a big meal at Killa Burger Burwood afterwards with the PTC Team. I do miss being part of a team.
14th November 2013
Last night driving home I was suffering the worst case of muscle lock up I've ever experienced.  Couldn't turn my head or raise my arms. Yesterdays upper body session was definitely taken up a notch, especially Strict Military Presses. I rang my Physio and booked an aappointment for tomorrow morning at 8:30am. I feel like my chest just wants to hunch forward all the time and feels much more comfortable there. I took a muscle relaxant and alot of the pain reduced dramatically. On a more positive note, my bodyweight was down to 58.5kg this morning, fully hydrated and my average calories have been 1700. I cant believe I was dieting at 1200 not too long ago! Celebrated with a small chocolate this morning! I know it will still be a hard task to get down to <56kgs for the Push/Pull Comp on December 1st.Loving fitbit. It's really helping me keep active!2.7km walk today.
15th November 2013
Testing out some Lock Jaw Collars my husband bought for me. So much easier to use than the spring form ones! Happy so far, quick release and quick to snap on. Very tight through back and thighs today. Physio session today: Upperbody was so tight she couldn't undo everything in one session so I've booked 4 more. Major knots in my traps and lats and worked on the front of the left shoulder. She also cracked my back in 4 places. She has advised me to avoid wide bench pressing and only light weights for now, otherwise I'm undoing everything she is doing. She will be using needles next time.....omg!
Monday 18th November 2013
Physio appointment. massage and needling. Neck has freed up alot, still some nagging pain in my left chest but managing with heat when getting inflamed. Pain is caused in the shoulder joint and not the chest.
Thursday 21st November 2013
Bodyweight: 57.9kgHad physio again today, I cant believe the mobility I have in my arms and shoulders, chest pain has greatly reduced, still relying on a heat pack now and again.
Friday 22nd November 2013
Bodyweight: 57.7kgSore shoulder after physio.Have some serious DOMS from GHR.I'm eating a lot but I don't think I'm eating enough.Very tired. Had a solid 7.5hrs sleep.Will hit up mobility later tonight and ab work.
Monday 25th November 2013
Had a big weekend with preparing for and holding a party. Woke today feeling very sick but started waterloading anyway. Only got 5L in. Blergh. Feeling so crap......:'( Want to test my bench openers. Had to cancel physio but feeling almost no pain.
Friday 29th November 2013
Bodyweight 57.1kgs
Just going to conserve energy today. Fasting liquids 18 hours out. Virus seems to have gone.
Beginning to think about programming leading up to ACT States.
Mowed the lawns in a garbage bag and droped to 56.6kg.
Saturday 30th November 2013
Woke up at 56.6kgs, so headed to the Saunas at Mount Annan Leaisure Centre. $5.30 for access. Got a swim in between sessios. Thought I was going to die!
Did a 10 minute session, then a 5 minute, then 3 and 3. By this time I'd had enough.
Cooled off in the pool, dryed off then checked weight at 56.3kg. Hair was wet at this time.
Drove to Ptc Sydney and weighed in at 56.1kgs initially. Grabbed Tim and headed to the bathroom to weigh in in just my underwear. 56kgs!! Woohoo!
Big refeed at Maccas now relaxing!

Pic: Trent as head ref at the Novice Comp

Pic: November picture mash.
Pic: Me getting ready to referee
Pic: Me at 58kgs. Not alot of stomach fat to pull at, but typically arms are slow to lose fat.
Pic: Choice of Soft suits but really want a Red Inzer

Pic: New Lockjaw collars. Not expensive or branded but bloody good to use!

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Week 6 Conjugate Method

7th November 2013
Box Squats High Bar
Feet wider than box
20kg x 10
40kg 2 x 4
55kg x 3
65kg x 1
75kg x 1 (starting grinding)
80kg x 1 (with lever belt)
85kg x 1
Seated Goodmornings
30kg x 15
32.5kg x 12, 15
35kg x 10
Note: Trying to find my niche with these. Used the oly bar, unracked from pins and seated on the Force bench.
Ez Curl Bar
21kg x 10/10, 10/10, 10/10, 10/10
1min x 3
Band Assisted Pull ups
Blue band x 10
Orange band x 4, 5
Seriously suck at these....

9th November 2013
McHappy Day!
CG Bench Press
20kg x 10
30kg x 5
35kg x 3
42.5kg x 1
47.5kg x 1
52.5kg x 1
55kg x 1
Decline Bench Press
Neutral grip
30kg x 15, 15
I much stronger on these than incline press
OH Rope Tricep Extention
5kg x 12, 10, 10, 11
Face Pulls s/s OH DB Shoulder Press
(12.5kg x 15 s/s 9.5kg x 6) x 1, 1, 1
(15kg x 15 s/s 9.5kg x 7) x 1
Wide Grip Cable Row
Row to sternum
25kg x 10, 10, 10, 11
Concentration Bicep Curls
7.5kg 3 x 10
Notes: Feeling strong!

Tuesday 12th November
Banded High Bar Squats SSB
22kg x 10
42kg x 5
52kg x 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 started grinding
50kg x 2, 2, 2
47kg x 2, 2, 2

Banded Sumo Deads
70kg x 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Front squats
42kg x 10, 10, 10


Ultra Wide Sumos
60kg x 10, 10, 10, 10

Decline Bench Sit Ups
15, 15

Notes: Feeling tired today, took previous day off training. Diet wise I want to eat everything in sight! Still tracking activity and food with Fitbit.

Wednesday 13th November 
Comp Grip + Bands
20kg x 10
30kg x 3
35kg x 3, 3, 3

Close Grip
30kg x 3
32.5kg x 3, 3, 3

Military Press
30kg x 5, 5, 5
Last press was a grinder!

Flat Bench DB Press
9.5kg x 15
11kg x 10, 10

Cable Squat Row
25kg x 10
27.5kg x 8
29kg x 8

Pendlay Row
26kg x 10, 9, 10, 10

Ez Bar Curls
18.5kg x 9, 10, 10

50 reps x 3 exercises

Notes: Upper back and tops of thighs were very tight and sore. Shoulders are bruised from contact with SSB + bands.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Week 5 Conjugate Method

Thursday 31st October
Happy Halloween!
Banded Conventional Deadlifts
20kg x 10
40kg x 5
60kg x 3
70kg x 3
80kg x 1
90kg x 1
100kg x 1
105kg x 1
110kg x 1 (Belted up for this one)
Tried overhand grip for as far as I could get which ended up at 70kg x 1. Avoided the belt till the end. It has been decided I need to work on corework strength moving forward.
20kg x 10, 10, 10
20kg Plate
4 x 10
Alternated holding the plate overhead and in front.
Ab Crunches
Biggest decline on bench
BW x 15, 15, 15
Im so weak. Tried to get my hands behind my head as I came up.
Lat Pulldowns
27.5kg x 6, 6, 6, 6
Took these easy as my chest felt good today after some cricketball work and stretching.
Notes: More corework. Less good morning work.
Diet: I went over my daily calories by 400 calories! Fell for the stupid portion sizing on the nutritional panel and ate 524 calories of yogurt! So pissed off!
However the 18 000 steps I took today + deadlift session should see my net calories quite low.

Friday 1st November
Wide grip Bench Press
20kg x 10
30kg x 6
40kg x 3
47.5kg x 2
52.5kg x 1
55kg x 1
57.5kg x 1
60kg x 1 PB
Incline BB bench Press
30kg x 13, 13
CGBP - Triceps
30kg 10, 6, 8, 8
Pendlay Row s/s OH KB Press
30kg s/s 8kg KB's
4 x 10
Stretch and cooldown. Had shit to do and arms were fried. Biceps and Lats later with stretch and mobility. Ab's are fried from yesterdays decline sit ups.
Pretty happy with todays ME result. Havent benched 60kg's since February. I have bought my touch up higher.
Video: 60kg Bench

Saturday 2nd November
Rest Day
Upper body is feeling tight from yesterdays ME sesion. Chest injury slightly niggly, had a stretch and cricketball quickie earlier and feels better but tightness also extends around to the left Lat and Scap. Restarted on essential Greens and BCAA'S today and probably get back on the Creatine which fell by the wayside.
Hanging to try out my chains on Squats tomorrow.

Monday 4th November
Squats + Bands
Was going to try the chains but looked at them this morning and thought "the bands are already set to go!"
20kg x 10
40kg x 5
50kg x 2
57.5kg x 2,2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
Deadlifts + Bands
75kg x 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
Front Squats
37kg x 10, 10, 10
10, 8, 10
Hip Thrusts
18.5kg x 12, 12, 12, 12
Decline Bench Crunches
10, 10, 10
Notes: Chest was sore right in the rib joint. Still had ab DOMS. GHR need work, just not strong enough to keep pulling myself up, felt my calfs straining.
PM Note: The Hammies are stiff!

Tuesday 5th November 2013
Bench Press Comp Grip
20kg x 5/5 alt grips
30kg x 5/5
Comp Grip 
35kg x 3, 3, 3, 3
Close Grip
32.5kg x 3, 3, 3, 3

Bench Press no leg drive
37.5kg x 10, 10

Military Press
25kg x 6, 6, 7, 6

Incline DB Press
9.5kg x 10, 10, 10

Lat Pull Down
27.5kg x 7, 7, 7, 8

V Attachment Rows
25kg x 12, 12, 11, 12

Bicep Curls
16kg x 10, 10, 12

Monday, 21 October 2013

Week 4 Conjugate Method

Tuesday 22nd October
High Bar Squats
22kg x 10
42kg x 3
62kg x 3
Switched to straight bar
70kg x 1 (barely made it?)
Belt on
75kg x 1
82.5kg x 1
87.5kg x 1
Seated Goodmornings
20kg x 15
25kg x 15
27.5kg x 15, 15
Plie Squats
24kg x 15
48kg x 12, 12, 15
Lat Pulldown
25kg x 10, 10, 10, 10

Thursday 24th October 2013
Floor Presses
20kg x 10
30kg x 5
37.5kg x 4
40kg x 3
42.5kg x 1
45kg x 1
50kg x 1
52.5kg x Fail
Notes: I reckon I just got a new 1RM in hip thrusts, haven't failed a floor press before lol
Close Grip Floor Press
32.5kg x8,8
Incline Bench Press
30kg x 15,15
Skullkrushers s/s Lying Tricep Extention
11kg v 7.5kg
2 x 12,12
Bent Over BB Roq s/s Front Plate Raise
21kg s/s 5kg
21kg s/s 7.5kg
Wide Grip Cable Row
20kg x 10, 10,10, 10
BB Curls
16kg x 10, 13, 14, 15

Sunday 27th October
Banded Squats
20kg x 10
40kg x 5
50kg x 2,2
80kg + Bands x 1,1,1,1,1,1
Front Squats
37kg x 10, 10, 10
Good mornings
42kg x 12,12,12, 12
Left it at that.

Tuesday 29th October
Bench Press
Alternated Comp Grip with Close Grip
35kg + Bands x 3 (wasn't fast enough)
Comp Grip 32.5kg x 3, 3, 3, 3
Close Grip 32.5kg x 3, 3, 3, 3
Bench Press
Flat back
37.5kg x 10, 10
Military Press
I found I'm very weak at these!
25kg x 5, 6, 6
Incline DB Press
9.5kg x 12, 12, 12
Light Incline Flyes
To stretch the chest out
2.5kg plates x 10, 10
Low Cable row - Wide grip
25kg x 8, 12, 12, 12
Face Pulls
11.25kg x 15
12.5kg x 15
13.75kg x 15
15kg x 15
Just couldn't find the right weight. Felt some good resistance at 15kg.
Ez Bar Curls
16kg x 12, 12, 12
Tricep OH Press
8kg KB x 20
10kg plate x 20
Tricep Kick Backs 5kg plate x 10

Week 4 done and dusted. I wish I took measurements prior to this program. My shoulders and back just don't fit too well in my shirts and my quads just stick out when I sit down.
Bodyweight is at 59.2kg completely hydrated, much higher than I want to be this side of comp. I'm switching my diet from Low carb to a PCF 40/40/20 breakdown, I seriously hot over Low Carb on the weekend and looking forward to reintroducing new foods.
Due to lack of training during June/July/August, my bodyweight skyrocketed to 61.8kg which I have dropped with only a minor calorie reduction of carbs.
All my clothes fit properly and I'm interested to see where my muscle mass will be sitting in another 4 weeks time.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Week 3 Conjugate Method

Tuesday 15th October 2013
Ultra Wide Deadlift
60kg x 5
70kg x 3
80kg x 3
95kg x 1
102.5kg x 1 (Belt)
110kg x 1
117.5kg x 1 (Lockout issues)
122.5kg x 0 (Couldn't break the floor)
16kg x 12
20kg x 10, 8
16kg KB x 10
20kg plate x 10
20kg plate x 10
20kg x 10
Lat Pulldowns
25kg x 8, 10, 9, 10
Decline Bench Crunches
8kg x 15

Wednesday 16th October 2013
CG Bench Press
20kg x 10
25kg x 5
30kg x 3
35kg x 3
40kg x 1
45kg x 1
47.5kg x 1
50kg x 1
35kg x 8
Incline DB Press
11kg x 12, 13
Skull Crushers
13kg x 10
18kg x 6
15.5kg x 6, 7
Shrugs s/s Upright Row
24kg / 6kg DB 10/15
Felt immense pain in my left chesticle injury, dropped the weight
20kg v 6kg
13/6, 15/15, 15/18
Straight Arm Pulldowns
5kg x 15
7.5kg x 15, 15, 16
CG Pull ups (Blue Band)
8, 9, 10
Notes: Im finding the stretching routine in helping my upper chest injury. Seems to be triggered by wide rowing motions but shrugs set it off today. Dislocations with the band settled it. Gotta keep stretching.  The stretch to open the chest is where I feel the pulling the most.

Thursday 17th October
Rest Day
Came down with a sore throat and feverish last night. Hit the sack at 8 and woke up cooking in bed at 10ish.
I have DOM's in my abs which Ive never had for years otherwise stiff through the upper body and hips/thighs.
Going to introduce a few more motions into mobility workout (which I'll post one day when I learn all the names or take photos)
Rib/Chest injury is good today but still need to find a local weight lifting specialist physio. The last one told me to stop benching and my doctor told me to stop benching.  Makes sense, if benching makes it hurt; stop benching.
Scott Hills Hydrofit Narellan is literally in the next street to me at work and thinking if it gets worse again I'll head over. I know he wont tell me to stop benching! And he might pick up on something I'm doing wrong in bench to keep aggravating it. Wide bench and Shrugs hurt it, stretching the chest open and back soothes it. My last physio told me my back overpowers my chest and did say it can create issues later so maybe thats what Im seeing now.
End blog post

Friday 18th October
Banded Squats
57.5kg x 2, 2 (Didn't feel explosive)
55kg x 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
Banded Sumo Deadlifts
70kg x 10 singles
Leg Extentions
20kg x 10, 10 + dips, 10 + dips
44.5kg x 10, 10, 10
Hip Thrusts
16kg x 12, 12, 12, 15
Ab Crunch & Twist
4kg Medicine Ball
20, 20
Notes: PM training due to heavy bush fire smoke in the AM

Monday 21st October
Banded Bench Press
Alternating Comp & Close grip
32.5kg 4 x 3 each grip
Overhead DB Press
8.5kg x 10, 8,9
DB Chest Press
9.25kg x 10,10,12
Pendlay Row from Plyo
30kg x 10,15
35kg x 15, 15
Face Pulls
7.5kg x 15
15kg x 12
12.5kg x 15, 15
EZ Bar Bicep Curls
11kg x 15
13.5kg x 10, 15
Bench Tricep Press s/s OH Plate Press
15/10 with 10kg plate
15/15 10kg plate/5kg plate
Notes: No chest pain today until I demonstrated frontal bar raises for my husband and got a niggle. Lots of stretching!

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Secrets to Training


Monday, 7 October 2013

Week 2 Conjugate System

Tuesday 8th October
Front Squats
22kg x 10
32kg x 5
44.5kg x 1
52kg x 1
59.5kg x 1
64.5kg x 1
70kg x 1 PB
Weighted Hyper Extentions
16kg KB
3 x 10
(Will push this weight up next time)
22kg x 10 (tested the ankle)
32kg x 7
32kg x 8
32kg x 9
34.5kg x 8
Weighted Crunches
4kg Medicine Ball
Band Assisted Pull Ups
Blue Band
8, 8, 8, 8

Wednesday 9th October
Pin Presses
My first time!
20kg x 10
35kg x 5
40kg x 3
47.5kg x 3
52.5kg x 1
55kg x 1
57.5kg x 1
DB Press
8.5kg x 10
11kg x 12 (fail)
Tricep Press Bench
8kg x 15
8kg x 16
Shrugs s/s Upright Row
24kg KB v 2x4kg KB
8, 10, 12, 13 v 15, 15, 15, 20
Need 6kg KB's
Wide Grip Seated Row
25kg x 15
25kg x 15
25kg x 15
27.5kg x 15
Hammer Curls
7.5kg x 10, 10, 10
Notes: Again very tight through the lower body and back. Did a quick foam roll through the problem areas but starting a M, W, F, S break up next week. Really need a break between the Max Effort Days!

Friday 11/10/2013
Speed Squats
20kg x 10
Added bands
20kg x 5
35kg x 3
45kg x 3
55kg x 12 x 2
Speed Deadlifts
70kg x 4 singles
Ditched bands
Deficit deads x 4 singles
Front Squats
34.5kg x 10, 10
36.5kg x 10
42kg x 10
44.5kg x 10, 10, 10
Hip Thrusts
Short Bar
12.5kg x 20
Notes: Ran out of time today. Missed most of my hip exercises and abs. I got the squat bands right but just couldn't get anything that resembled resistance for deads. Stumbled forward on one set up so ditched the bands. Need shorter bands or to source some chains.

Saturday 12th October
Bench Press Comp Grip
32.5kg x 3 (wasn't fast enough)
30kg x 3, 3, 3
Wide/Close Grip
30kg x 3/3, 3/3, 3/3, 3/3
Note: Close grip is my weakest

OH DB Press
7.5kg x 10, 8, 10

Incline DB Press
8.5kg x 12, 12, 13

Wide Cable Rows
30kg x 7, 7, 8, 7

Face Pulls
Lower Pulley
10kg x 8, 10, 12
Swapped to upper, felt it working the rear delts much better
12.5kg x 10

6kg x 10, 15, 12

Rope Push Downs s/s OH KB Press
7.5 & 5kg / 8kg

Week 2 Done and dusted!
My ankle is swollen, my chest injury has flared up intermittently, but feeling good, loving lifting and I reckon my shoulders wont fit into my shirts in the near future! LOL

Monday, 30 September 2013

Week 1 Conjugate System

Tuesday 1/10/2013
Conventional Deadlift
20kg x 10
40kg x 5
60kg x 3
80kg x 3
92.5kg x 2
100kg x 1
Not sure if it was because I changed my set up on the last rep but it was a real grinder breaking the floor!
3 x 8
42kg, 42kg, 44.5kg
Leg Extentions
3 x 8
Felt like I was restricted by the Leg extention fitting on my bench. Will try and put a solid cushion behind my back because I think my legs are too short...!
Played with weight since I haven't done these before
15kg 20kg 25kg
Hyper Extentions
3 x 10
Used a KB for weight. Again trying to find my ideal weight.
12kg 12kg 16kg
Safe to say 16kg is plenty!
Ab work
Crunches with a medicine ball in different variations.

Wednesday 2/10/2013
Wide Bench Press
20kg x 10
30kg x 5
35kg x 3
40kg x 2
47.5kg x 2
52.5kg x 1
DB Press
8.5kg DB's 15, 15
25kg x 15, 15
OH Tricep Press
8kg x 8 (too light)
12kg x 6, 7, 7
Cable Row w/ V attachment s/s with Upright KB Row
20kg x 8 (too light)
25kg x 8, 9, 8
s/s 8kg row to failure, finish with 4kg KB. Need a 6kg KB!
Lat Pulldowns
25kg x 8, 8, 9, 8
Notes: Very tight through the lower back and hips. Need a 6kg KB. Left trap/scapula very tight, needs cricket ball love.

4th October 2013
Didnt go as well as planned, wasn't prepared with the bands and didn't get the right tension through both bands. I have figured out a way to rig them for next time!
Speed Squats
Took a slightly wider stance
55kg x 2
52.5kg x 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
The 55kg set felt too slow, dropped back to 52.5kg which felt right.
These are my new nemesis!
Speed Deadlifts with bands
Conventional Stance
60kg x 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
Kept these in quick succession. I could feel the bands doing their job adding tension to the lockout. I liked these.
Fronts Squats
Closer stance
32kg x 10, 10, 10
These were a bit of a struggle
42kg x 12, 10, 10, 12
Hip Thrusts
(New for me!)
12kg KB 10, 10, 12, 12

Note: Going to use the short bar when I do these again. The KB was awkward!

Saturday 5th October 2013
Bench Press Comp Grip
27.5kg x 3, 3, 3, 3
Wider Grip
(Middle finger on Ring)
27.5 x 3, 3, 3, 3
OH DB Press
5kg x 10
6kg x 10, 10
DB Fly Flat
5kg x 10, 15, 15
Lat Pulldowns
20kg x 10
25kg x 9, 10
27.5kg x 9
Face Pulls
7.5kg x 10
10kg x 10, 15
DB Curls
6kg DB x 8, 10, 12
50 Reps
Push downs
DB Tricep Press
Crunches on Decline Bench x 40
4kg weight

First week of early morning training and Keto and my new training method rolled into one. Feeling very tired this Sunday, every muscle hurts, I'm carb depleted and down 1/2kg bw. Feeling strong, but sore and looking forward to refeed tonight. Feeling very motivated!

Friday, 30 August 2013

Week 9 Linear Progression

Bench Press
Worked up to a 1rm today.
Previous prior to injury was 60kg x 2 paused, today I reached only 57.5. A little disappointed but rather be fit and well going I to prep for Push/Pull. I got the 60kg weight off my chest but my left side just wasn't strong enough.

20kg x 10
30kg x 6
40kg x 3
45kg x 1
50kg x 1
55kg x 1
60kg x 0
57.5kg x 1
All paused benches.

DB Press Flat Bench
9.5kg (x2) x 2 x 15

Skull Krushers
9.5kg x 10
11kg x 10
13.5kg x 8
13.5kg x 10

Cable Row s/s Upright KB Row
20kg x 20 & 4kg(x2) x 15
25kg x 10 & 4kg(x2) x 15
25kg x 15 & 4kg(x2) x 15
27.5kg x 15 & 4kg(x2) x Fail 15+

Lat PullDown
27.5kg x 8
27.5kg x 8
25kg x 10
25kg x 10

Bicep Curls
Weight is per DB
9kg x 10 bit too heavy...
5kg x 10
5kg x 10

Arms are shaking!

Wanted to test my 1RM tonight to start a new program next week but my spotter had to go to bed so ended up just repping out 100kgs x 4 quite comfortably while he was still up. The most uncomfortable & strenuous part was walking out. I reckon I could have hit more weight tonight in a mono. Wrapping myself took alot of energy as did forgetting my belt and having to go get it from another room.
Need to practise holding more weight and moving with it. And teaching my husband to wrap...
Ankle held together and felt no pain

Monday, 26 August 2013

My PTC Sydney Profile

Googled myself and found this old article

Small Set Back

Last night while setting up, I managed to knock my safety bar off the rack hooks causing it to cone crashing down directly on my ankle bone.
The pain was massive.
Spent 4hrs at Campbelltown hosptal getting xrays to find it wasn't broken, just swelling and bruising.  So im on crutches for a bit and a support bandage till I get a clearance.

Oct 12: Injury seems to be hanging around. Swelling after a big week and stiff after lifting.

Friday, 16 August 2013

Week 8 Linear Progression Program

Week 8 Target 80%

Warm up to 80kg x 2

90kg 3 x 3
Second set third rep was a grinder, just lost confidence at the bottom!

Still a RAW PB for me! Previously I have only squatted 1rm's over 90kgs or multiple reps in wraps.
Pretty happy with squats tonight.

Started partial squats but physically couldn't hold the 105kgs. Was just too tired plus my scapula started really hurting tonight, and I took care to warm up the upper body. Rolled a cricket ball over it but will see how it goes.
Blah. Cant win!


Lots of mobility freeing up the hips and thigh muscle groups.
Warmed up to 105kg x 1

110kg x 5
112.5kg x 5
112.5kg x 5
115kg x 1

Super wide Sumo Pulls
60kg x 10
60kg x 8
60kg x 8

Good mornings
32kg x 8
37kg x 8
37kg x 8

Monday, 12 August 2013

Week 7 Linear Progression Program

Week 7


Went for a Pyramid Set tonight, mostly to get an idea of my current 1RM after no benching due to injury. Worked up to 50kgs for a double and felt a decent niggle in the chest so backed off from there.

Warm up with bands

20kg x 10

32.5kg x 5

40kg x 4

45kg x 3

45kg x 3

50kg x 2

50kg x 2

47.5kg x 3

42.5kg x 5

35kg to fail (9)

Flat DB flyes

2.5kg 3 x 10

Yep keeping them light, chest feels good after flyes and getting in the good stretch.

Haven't been feeling pain after a bench session, mostly squat sessions


Heavy night tonight. I somehow thought I did 80kg x 3 x 5 last week but I didn't so didn't even check the program for the right weight tonight. Accidentally jumped a week ahead

Warm up on the medicine ball, had some major niggles from chopping out a stump on the weekend.

Bar x 20

40kg x 6

60kg x 5

70kg x 2

80kg x 2

85kg x 2

85kg x 3

85kg x 3

90kg x 2

(Should have been 82.5kg 3 x 5)

Partial Squats

Took a wider stance, smashed my quads.

100kg x 8

105kg x To Fail (about 8 or 9)

Wide Paused Box squats to parallel

40kg 2 x To Fail

I was buggered!

Deadlifts @ 75%

Had to restart this session because I hurt my back last week.

Had a day and a half of carb refeed. Im weighing back in the 57kg range.

Warm up

Working sets

105kg x 2 deficit

105kg x 5 deficit (this is some sort of a PB for me)

105kg x 5 comp height

110kg x 2 (easy)

Next week is 112kg reps 3 x 5. Cant see this happening...

Wide stance Sumo (mine didnt turn out as good as Hambuggers....)

40kg x 12 (too light)

50kg x fail

50kg x fail

Found these really targeted the small of my lower back and hips.

Pendlay Rows 

30kg 2 x 10

These reinjured my rib/chest injury last time. Took it easy!

August Diet

Have had 4 really good days, I have added everything to MFP including supps. Can feel the Carb depletion kicking in. Been walking on my lunchbreak instead of sitting around thinking of food.

Steamed Baby Kale
Cottee's Diet Chocolate Sauce
Praise Deli Style Chipotle Aioli
BBQ Chicken Thighs
Raw Cashews

Switched back to frozen eggs whites, they have a resealable pack now and much cheaper than egg whites from the Milk section!

Usual day
Brekky) 1 x egg and 1/2 cup of egg whites
MT) Protein Shake with Choc sauce plus 20g Almonds
Lunch) 150g Tuna or Smoked Salmon with Aioli or Mayo plus 30g Peanut butter
AT) 20g Raw Cashews
Dinner) 150g Chicken plus 1 cup of Brocolli and 1 cup Kale
PM) Protein shake and chocolate sauce

Totals 1500 calories

PM - Nutra Organics Supers Greens + Reds (still haven't had a cold)
PM - Black more Fish Oil Tabs 1000mg x 2
AM Centrum Multivitamin
AM Organic Supergreens (Chlorella, Barley Grass, Wheat Grass and Spirulina)

Week 6 Linear Progression Program

Week 6


Warm up
20kg 2 x 10
40kg x 6
60kg x 4
70kg x 2
75kg x 5
75kg x 5
80kg x 5

Front squats
Paused Squats

Missed due to injury

Started out feeling tight in the back, thighs and butt so kept on the roller and medicine ball to get into those places.
Warm ups felt good
20kg x 10
60kg x 8
80kg x 6
90kg x 2
100kg x 1
105kg x 3
110kg x 2 then ouch!
Felt a sharp pain in my back. Stopped straight away, and gently stretched. Called it quits, will continue Sunday with some low weight high volume and ease back in. Haven't deadlifted in a few weeks, will scale back and gradually work up again. 105kg deads felt heavy, probably due to Carb depletion. I never deadlift on a working day, I should stick to this rule into he future lol!

Week 5 Linear Progression Program

Week 5
Warm up 5,3,2,2
75kg 5, 5, 5

Wide Stance Box Squats
55kg 5,5,5
Feeling like I'm fighting off a cold, wasn't there tonight. Didn't use wraps, going to hold off as long as I can. Traditionally 80%?

Bench Night
Jumped back under the bar today and hit the bench. Didn't stick to my Linear plan but decided in getting mobile after a fortnights break due to a niggling injury.

Felt no pain prior to benching, DB flyes I could feel muscle tightness across the chest into the arm so took it easy. Did some myofascial release with a tennis ball and felt grinding underneath as I moved my arm, the right side had no grinding. Also felt a bit of pain under the tennis ball while against my left scapula. I'm thinking my "injury" mindset is what is prevailing this injury. I'm thinking "injured" in my head and tensing up the whole left side. I did the same thing to glute and trap injuries years back.

Worked up to some heavyish triples and completed some flat bench flyes afterwards. Left it there.
Gotta keep stretching!

Missed.....due to ribs being sore....

Week 4 Linear Progression Program

Week 4 Linear Progression 
Dynamic Warm Up
Bar x heaps
40kg x 5
50kg x 3
60kg x 2

65% 70kg x 8 Lever Belt on
70kg x 8 Lever Belt on
Ripped the belt iff, felt it grinding against my hip bones the whole way through the lifts (fixed it but might need to wear it in again?)
70kg x 5 Belt issues
70kg x 5 Back to lever belt over the jumper and threw on knee sleeves. Best set of the day!

Paused squats
55kg x 6, 6, 6

***Missed bench as my rib is in need of healing.***

Week 4 Linear Progression Deadlifts
(Bench is out for a while unfortunately)

Warm up
Bar x 10
60kg x 6
75kg x 5
80kg x 3

90kg x 8,8,8

Good mornings
30kg x 6
35kg x 6, 6, 6

Mobility work

90kg x 8 Second Set
Still working on that back, tried resetting properly after each rep during the third set, felt good.

Friday, 2 August 2013

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

A Lion in Iron


Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Week 3 Linear Progression Program

Squats Tuesday
Warm up
Bar x 10
40kg x 6
50kg x 3

65kg x 3, 5
65kg x 8
65kg x 8

Paused Squats
Wider stance
50kg x 6, 6, 6

Bench Thursday
Powerband Mobility work
Warm up
Bar x 10
30kg x 6

(60%)36kg 10,10,10
First set paused 3 secs
Second and third set first 5 paused 3 secs

30kg x 10,10

Floor Presses
35kg x 8,10,10

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Week 2 Linear Progression Plan

Squat Day
I changed how I hold the bar and have gone for a wider grip. I'm thinking it may be beneficial to add some static holds to get used to it.
Increased 1RM weight as I felt strong warming up.

Warm Up
Bodyweight x 10
22.5kg x 10
40kg x 5
50kg x 3

(55%) 60kg 3 x 10
These were a bit of a grinder towards the end  Last of the 10 rep squats!

Paused squats
Abs x lots

Bench Day
Felt tight and strong under the bar. Chest injury behaved.

Warm up
Bar x 10
30kg x 5
(58%)35kg 2 x 10 general pause
         35kg x 10 3 sec pause

Floor presses
(58%)35kg 3 x 10

Dips with Orange Band

Another shitty diet day.

Deadlift Day
Not alot of energy today, I'm putting it down to my lazy winter diet. Bloated and sluggish.
All deadlifts were from deficit.

Warm Up
Bar x 20
40kg x 7
50kg x 7

(50%)70kg x 10 (Should have been 80kg)
(57%)80kg x 10
          80kg x 10

Paused Deadlifts
These aren't in my program usually but may incorporate.
Complete 3 sec pause
70kg 5,5,5
