Need a quick workout to keep the muscles going over the holiday period? I have been doing this pictured workout every 2nd day as it is too soon to start a new program prior to going overseas in 2 weeks.
Challenge yourself! Prepare to sweat!
Sunday, 28 December 2014
Full Body Kettlebell Workout
Friday, 26 December 2014
End of 2014: Time to get moving again!
Whilst I have been training I stopped training towards a goal which as anyone knows, is not a good way to train. So with a New Year heading our way I'd like to set some goals to work towards.
I want my 110kg squat, I want my 65kg bench, and I want my 145kg Deadlift.
I miss Powerlifting. I miss the team environment of competing and I miss my Deadlift day McDonalds breakfast. I want to look like I lift. So taking a stance on proper nutrition and conditioning each day of each week.
I miss doing the Conjugate Method. But I don't miss the Dynamic Lower Days.
One thing I would like to say about Powerlifting is this: I really don't believe the "Eat anything for fuel" method is a good culture to create in the sport, unless you can fit the macros into your diet, or do burn it off over the course of the day/week.
I found myself starting to once again struggle with food consumption and correct choices of eating that I had blown out my bodyweight to 61.8kgs, I normally sit at 56-57kgs.
So back on the weightloss wagon I went from September and managed to get my weight back down to 57kgs. I intend to stay around 56kgs max.
In the below images, I weigh 57kgs.
Sunday, 20 April 2014
Mobility Clips
My favorite mobility clips will be posted here. I'll get around to making a page on it one day!
Shoulder Mobility
Shoulder Mobility Recap with Dave Lipson:
Monday, 24 March 2014
Training week 24/3/2014
High Bar Close Stance Squats to Box + 3 Readers Digest Books
(Conventional stance)
20kg x 10
40kg x 5
50kg x 3
60kg x 3
70kg x 1
75kg x 1
80kg x 1 (Form finished here....)
Reverse Hypers
KB Swings
16kg x 16,16
20kg x 10, 12
(Felt a niggle in my lower back)
Straight Arm Pull Down
12.5kg x 8,8,8,10
Reverse Crunches
Saturday, 22 March 2014
My Nemesis: Front Squats
When I was doing crossfit style routines, Front squats were done with 5kg - 15kg preloaded barbells or bumpers. They were done for high amounts of reps and for time. There was never an instance where form was corrected. So unfortunately the barbell was unracked where comfortable and was mostly coordinated with another exercise like Front Squat + OH Press, or Clean + Front Squat.
It was when I made the switch to Powerlifting that the Front Squat appeared in my program, I just cringed every Monday when it came up in my program and used KB's instead. I never made the effort to learn to do them properly. So anyone who knows me well knows I hate Barbell Front Squats. I hate them so much I bought an SSB to eliminate the duty of front unracking.
However after the SSB v Ankle incident, I wont use that bar on my current Force USA rack until safety slings are installed, or new pins made up. So I am forced to make friends with Barbell front squats in the meantime.
I was front squatting in the 40kg range for reps with the SSB but I'm finding my upper body wants to dip forward with the Olympic Barbell. I am aiming to get back up to repping minimum 40kgs with the Barbell. My last 1rm check was a 60kg Front Squat.
My previous Chest/shoulder injury seems to have loosened up my shoulders and back enough to unrack correctly. My main mobility issue is in the wrists.
I am still doing a banded dynamic warm up routine to get the upper body flexible and warm.
Barbell: Front Squats 22.5kg x 8 March 2014
SSB: Front Squat 65kg 1 Rep Max - November 2013
Barbell: Front Squat 30kg x 5 - July 2012 @ PTC Sydney
Friday, 14 March 2014
Training Week 17/3/2014
Squats (Not low or high bar)
20kg x 10
25kg x 10
40kg x 5,5,5
45kg x 5 (started tipping forward on this set)
25kg x 8,8,9,8
10/10, 10/10, 6/6, 8/8
15kg x 12
20kg x 12,12,12
2 x 10
Shoulder niggle started on Lat Pulldowns.
All sorts of mobility issues with squat, most notably hamstrings, inner thighs.
So much tightness through the front of the chest, stretching daily at the moment but maybe worthwhile increasing stretch sets throughout the day. Legs were so shakey afterwards!
Lower Body
Mobility is terrible for sumo so went Conventional for some volume, no harm in practicing conventional form.
25kg x 10
40kg x 10
50kg x 10
60kg x 12
The low bar on the smaller weights <60kgs were a bitch to set up on. I don't think there was any Lats invovled at all. Lost count on the 60kg deadlifts.
Front Squats - Barbell
No SSB bar until I get my safety straps. I have zero faith in that bar on this rack!!
20kg x 5,5
22.5kg x 5,6
Tried arms across the chest first, then went traditional front rack. Found traditional more comfortable, but I'm taking a guess that my abs aren't strong enough to stay upright correctly. My upper body just wants to dip forward.
Single Leg Deadlifts
2 x 8kg KB's (16kg) x 8/10, 10/10, 10/10, 10/10
Could really feel this working my lower back
I found using one KB made me lean unnaturally during the lift.
Figure 4 Weighted Dips
5kg Plate
Could barely get left side into a figure 4. Had to keep trying to stretch it out.
10/10, 10/10, 10/10, 10/10
Boring Crunches
Notes: Single Leg DL's and Figure 4's in one session takes too long!
Bar + Bands
Mid Grip x 10,10
Close Grip x 10
Mid Grip
25kg x 3,3,4,3
25kg x 3,3,3,3
(Chest injury niggled through band presses)
Military Press
20kg x 10
22.5kg x 6,6,5
4kg x 10
5kg x 8,8
Lat Pulldown
20kg x 10
25kg x 12,12,11
12.5kg x 10,12,12,12
Bicep Curls
EZ Bar
16kg x 12, 10, 10
Bench Dips s/s OH KB Press
50 reps total
Crashed after 25 straight.
1hr 15min session
Monday, 17 February 2014
Upperbody session - Staying active during hiatus....
Upper Body
Mobility: Laying backwards over a foam roller on the bench, Cobra pose
Bench Press
20kg x 10
30kg x 10, 10, 10
Incline Bench Press 45°
25kg x 15
22.5kg x 15
Tricep Dips off Bench
10kg plate x 6,7,8,8
Bent Over Row s/s Clean/Press 4kg KB's
22.5kg 12/13 / 15 C&P x 1,1,1,1
Bicep Curls
6kg x 10,10,10
Straight Arm Pull Downs
12.5kg x 8,8
11.25kg x 8,8
Notes: Feels good to be training again, I don't feel too weak!
Friday, 17 January 2014
Deadlift Technique Session
Today I trekked down to Ptc Canberra for a technique session with Sherro, aiming to rejig my awkward Sumo deadlift. I arrived at 10 and the temperature was already over 30º! (38 on the car dash when I left!)
The new Ptc Canberra gym reminds me of the old Ptc Sydney gym but with a much level floor (lol), yet also very neat and well laid out.
After a good stretch and warm up I worked in with Melanie (from ACT states 2013) and worked on new cues and techniques. We worked up to 100kg's and managed to pull 100kg with no back pain! Attempted 105kgs but she wasn't budging today. Worked off 4 inch blocks for a few reps practicing the new set up and felt the mechanics of the lift kick in.
Cues (and I hope I remembered them all)
Set the feet
Engage abs
Engage Glutes
Sink and engage hammies
Tuck pelvis
Set the lats
Take the slack off the bar, push the knees out and drive.
Lock knees as the bar passes, push the hips through.
Lock out!
Now to keep this consistent in each training session and leave the ego out for a while! Walked away confident and with some mobility pointers to help get into the sumo deadlift position.
Huge thanks to sherro for your coaching!