Friday, 26 December 2014

End of 2014: Time to get moving again!

I can't believe how long it's been since an update!

Whilst I have been training I stopped training towards a goal which as anyone knows, is not a good way to train. So with a New Year heading our way I'd like to set some goals to work towards.
I want my 110kg squat, I want my 65kg bench, and I want my 145kg Deadlift.

I miss Powerlifting. I miss the team environment of competing and I miss my Deadlift day McDonalds breakfast. I want to look like I lift. So taking a stance on proper nutrition and conditioning each day of each week.

I miss doing the Conjugate Method. But I don't miss the Dynamic Lower Days.

One thing I would like to say about Powerlifting is this: I really don't believe the "Eat anything for fuel" method is a good culture to create in the sport, unless you can fit the macros into your diet, or do burn it off over the course of the day/week.
I found myself starting to once again struggle with food consumption and correct choices of eating that I had blown out my bodyweight to 61.8kgs, I normally sit at 56-57kgs.
So back on the weightloss wagon I went from September and managed to get my weight back down to 57kgs. I intend to stay around 56kgs max.

In the below images, I weigh 57kgs.

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